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For Tenants
Time to Relocate?
It’s a tough market at this time. If you don’t have to move, reconsider.
WE have a large inventory of active properties - websites; other Realtors; market knowledge.
WE offer Free Consultations
WE can follow up on your leads and work for you on getting you the best terms.
Off to a Good Start!
Give 30-day notice to current Landlord.
Figure out location, budget, location preferences, size of home per budget, type of home
Get references, funds in order, pets inoculated, start to eliminate unnecessary stuff
Start looking. Call us
We’ll locate the properties, arrange your viewings, negotiate the lease,
Lease signed, we’ll help you stay on track with details
Don’t forget to change the utilities, insurance, registrations and mailing address.
Bingo! Move-in!

Relocation Guide for
Renters in Newport County, RI
Congratulations you have taken the first step in the right direction – choosing to live in Newport County, RI. And you have chosen to rent, which in uncertain times such as these, makes sense.
Now you have to ask yourself some serious life-style questions so that you can focus the search for you and your Realtor down to the places that will be appropriate for you. The array of properties can be overwhelming, but allow a little flexibility, as you will never find a place that has everything you want.
● What is my occupancy date – earliest and latest?
● How long do I want to occupy the premises?
● What is my price range?
● How many in family?
● How many bedrooms do I need?
● How many bathrooms?
● Do I want a single level?

● How important is outside living spaces – deck; patio; yard; fenced, etc.?
● How many pets do you have? What breeds? What size?
● Urban or suburban?
● Special towns or areas?
● Special needs?
Once you have the answers to these questions, contact The HomePort Team and we’ll see you safely home!
Ongoing Tenant Liasion
Making Newport Easy
Many professionals need to travel leaving homes unattended during cold winter seasons.
We offer services to help with household issues during these times.
Don’t feel like speaking with your landlord on solving a problem? – we offer Tenant Liaison Services.
Winterizing the property. Yard work in summer. Snow removal in the winter.
These services are available to both Landlord or Tenant.
A strict no conflict of interest policy is maintained. Full confidentiality is guaranteed.

General Newport County
Property Information
Rentals in Newport County tend to be older and are a mix of single family homes and multi-unit buildings, and are smaller generally than homes in warmer areas of the country. An average 1 bedroom is approx. 650 sq.ft. and an average 4 bedroom is approx. 3000 sq. ft. Year-round older in-town units are less expensive than newer suburban homes, unless they are architecturally special.
Parking and Cars: Parking is controlled in certain urban downtown areas during the busy summer tourist months, when rents are also higher. On-street parking passes may be required in these designated locations of residential parking from May 1 to October 1. Parking may also be restricted during snow-storms when snow-plows need to have unfettered access on the streets. The streets in the older historic down town areas are narrow and not convenient for larger SUV’s and trucks. Moving day can sometimes prove to be a little difficult with large delivery trucks, but they will usually take care of the arrangements. Garages are not common in these same areas but are quite common in the suburban areas.

Heating, Cooling, Utilities, ETC: All properties have some kind of insulation against the cold and have central heat. Local heating and hot water fuels are oil, electric and natural gas. Depending on the system they can be the same fuel or different for heat and hot water. In single family homes utilities are generally not included in the rent. Central A/C is not common. Newer construction does tend to provide this. Utility costs vary widely depending on the size of the unit, the winter coldness, personal preferences and the market price, and can only be estimated based on the individual property.
Yard maintenance is not normally included in single-families and neither is snow-removal. Trash-collection in some towns is a separate fee and arrangements have to be made for its removal. The water and sewer service, if paid by the Tenant, remains in the Landlords’ name, as it can become a lien against the property. This will be clarified in your HomePort Lease. Some towns have wells and septic systems; make sure you know what applies. Cable television and internet access is at the expense of the tenant. Several options for bundling these services with landline phone-service exist through the service provider COX or VERIZON.

Condition and Inventory Report: It is recommended that a Condition and Inventory Report is performed at occupancy and copied as quickly as possible to the Landlord. It will protect your security deposit at the termination of the lease.
Security Deposit: It is required and usually equal to one month’s rent, but this can be negotiable. The Security Deposit is paid along with the first month’s rent prior to occupancy. An agreeable payment schedule is provided along with your HomePort Lease. The Security Deposit minus any legitimate deductions, which are stated in your HomePort Lease, must be returned to you by the Landlord within 20 days of your vacating the premises, returning the keys and providing the Landlord your forwarding address. HomePort does not hold the Security Deposit.
Pets: Always inquire about whether pets are accepted. A separate HomePort Pet Addendum may apply. Rhode Island State Law does not allow for the security deposit to be more than one month’s rent. Landlord may charge a nominal increase in rent in non-refundable “pet rent” for your well-behaved pet. Proof of inoculation will be requested.
Tenants’ Insurance: This is required in most leases to protect you and guests against injury, especially if you have a pet; loss of personal possessions; and damage to the Landlords’ property. The Landlord carries his/her own insurance.

Once you have the answers to these questions, contact The HomePort Team and we’ll see you safely home!
Import Documents
Here are some of the important documents we'll guide you through while renting a home in Newport County, RI. It may seem like a lot, but our decades of experience will make it a breeze!

Contact Us:
513 Broadway
Newport, RI 02842
To Speak With An Agent,
Please Call or Email Us:
Email: ahhuot@cox.net
Tel / Text / WhatsApp: 401-487-9414